Brand-new Telelogic Tau Logiscope 5.0 takes your manual coding, using C, C++, Java and Ada applications a giant step on its way to perfection! - Boost the efficiency of your programming resources! - Leverage on best practices! - Manage and control the...
System Info, Executable Module Info, All versions of all Microsoft files Info. Makes you able to View and Manage tasks, threads, loaded modules, files, handles, windows, track system resources, monitor your Internet connection, and much more.
Source code for WebLOAD OS, WebLOAD community resources .
Information about software testing and test automation including tools, tutorials, articles, resources, and more.
A very helpful site for Visual Test. Most resources for VT users.
The Software Quality Assurance Zone is a repository for resources concerning software testing.
This is a great page full of resources. It was shutdown for a while, but thanks to Mr. Cluey and Keith of it's now back online :)
This site has WinRunner code and resources (German).
New site full of QA resources by Hung Nguyen (author of Testing Web Applications)
HTML Resources, Help and HTML Tutorials
Articles and resources for job searching and career advancement.
At Method Park America our team is dedicated to providing your organisation, large or small with the very latest high quality Educational, Consulting and Software Quality resources. Our Software Process Improvement know-how and process management solution...

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